Taj Games, India’s leading skill-based online gaming platform from the house of Gridlogic, today announced the onboarding of celebrated Cricket icon Dinesh Karthik as their brand ambassador to create awareness about ethical gaming in India and further drive brand recall. As the brand ambassador for the flagship brand, Karthik will be the face of the popular fantasy cricket and rummy and will be promoting the game across the digital space as part of the brand’s marketing campaign.
Commenting on the association with Karthik, Pariekshit Maddishetti, Founder, Taj Games said, "India is one of the fastest growing online gaming markets in the world with millions of users turning to real money gaming as a key tenet of their leisure and entertainment. Gridlogic is at the forefront of fulfilling users’ evolving requirements and has been maintaining its leadership position in the rummy and fantasy cricket offerings with engaging skill based games and we are strengthening our commitment with our flagship offering, Tag Games. With Karthik, we found the perfect match for Taj Games as he is the perfect testament of a powerful performer, always strives to deliver the best for the country and is humble in nature, the key tenets of our brand. We look forward to a successful collaboration with him and aim to further popularise ethical online gaming in India through a dedicated marketing campaign with him”.
Dinesh Karthik, Brand Ambassador, Taj Games said, “As the leading platform in the online gaming space, Gridlogic’s Taj Games have been the go to destination of users for its best-in-class experience and I found synergies in our vision of delivering the best for our audiences by going the extra mile. From building a robust technology platform to ensuring the entertainment and safety of its users, Gridlogic and I share the same ethos of delivering the best for our audiences and I’m delighted to be a part of this journey. I hope to make a meaningful contribution to the brands’ fast-growing user base by further popularising the brand among gamers and creating more advocates for ethical online gaming in India.”
Dinesh Karthik has been one of the most recognized faces in the world cricketing arena, having led his team to victory on multiple occasions and has played match-winning knocks, which will play a crucial role in familiarising new-to-online gaming users with ethical gaming platforms of Gridlogic.
According to ‘India Gaming Report 2021 by Lumikai and Redseer, the Indian gaming market is poised to reach $7 billion by the financial year 2026 (FY26) from the current market size of $2.2 billion. The report also added that the number of paid gamers in India will reach 235 million in 2025, from 95 million gamers in 2021 and 80 million in 2020. Real-money games are the largest source of revenue for the market, in-app purchases will grow faster for the next five years at 30-40% with the rise of paying users in casual and hyper-casual gaming. India currently has 425 million gamers who play across three broad gaming channels and various game segments and genres.
Gridlogic has been at the forefront of developing interactive and immersive online skill gaming solutions through offerings such as Tag Games. With Taj Games which was launched in 2021, Gridlogic brings together the popular games of Online Rummy and Fantasy Cricket into the player’s home through an elite and professional all-in-one platform managed. With responsible gaming, fraud protection, instant money withdrawal, and 24/7 support, Taj Games aim at delivering a user-friendly and secure online gaming experience with a best-in-class AI-enabled platform to ensure the perfect gaming experience personalized for the user.
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